We were married in November and received many lovely Christmas ornaments as wedding gifts…many of which we continue to use to this day. They bring back such great memories every year when we unpack them and decorate our home.

One “gift” we had purchased before the wedding was our Macintosh computer. A “fat” Mac to be exact. It had a whopping 512K of RAM, an internal and external 400 K microfloppy drive, and an ImageWriter dot matrix printer (Today’s computers have at least 1000 times more). It came with a cool program called MacPaint. In 1984 this was pretty radical thinking, doing graphics on a computer.

One night while “playing” around on it, I drew the picture that became our first Christmas card. We only printed about 20 of these, and sent some store-bought ones as well. But it started us thinking and in 1985 we would be ready to make more.