1988 was a special year. Linda was expecting, and her due date was actually Dec 26th. We were very excited waiting for our new arrival. This year’s card featured our own nativity scene, a wedding gift from very special friends, Bill and Sharon. She had made the set herself. Setting it up is still one of our favorite things about Christmas time.

In preparation for our new arrival, we had bought a video camcorder. At work, we had recently purchased a video frame grabber / digitizer. This amazing little box was only about $100, but allowed you to capture individual scenes and transfer them to a computer. A Mac specifically. I borrowed it and was able to capture this scene.

Another innovation was the introduction of Adobe Photoshop. This new package allowed you to manipulate these “photos,” like a digital darkroom. It’s something we take for granted now, but in 1988 this was pretty leading edge stuff. The card was printed on a LaserWriter…about 80 of them this year.