Jay changed companies, and the family was on the move again in early 1997. We came to Massachusetts in stages, and by Christmas we were settled in our new home. The picture we send with our card this year was from Rochester before the move.
After missing the last two years, we were anxious to get back to making our own cards again. It came down to how to reach higher artistic standards, while still making them ourselves. Again, as ten years earlier, clip-art came to the rescue. The graphic in this card is one of my favorites, and the printing came out great.
The inside copy for our cards was often “borrowed” from song lyrics or scripture. Not this year. We wrote this one, and again, I think it was quite good.
On the technology side, this was the first of our cards to benefit directly from the internet. We had been “online” for several years, of course. AOL had been a vital link to family and friends while we were in Europe. This particular year, we needed more clip art. A search of the internet turned up this picture as a download, and we selected it from the many others found. Remember-we’re talking dial-up speeds of 19.2K baud. The Mac was a Performa with external AV monitor & speakers, CD, Zip drive, and built-in Ethernet and Appletalk. The printing was done on an HP color printer.
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